Monday, June 29, 2009

Pinay Money Maker increases Adsense Earnings

Do you have an old blog that you haven't posted in for quiet a long time? Well, make time to post a new entry because it could just surprise you with how much it can earn from Adsense!

I was surprised at how posting a new entry on Pinay Money Maker added a daily $1 increase in my earnings. Sounds small but where can you get $1 for free right? And for the first day since I posted a new entry about unemployment and being financially challenged, this blog has earned 7 clicks.

So think about your old blogs or if you don't have one yet, maybe it's time to tune in to your passion or even frustrations and start blogging.

What could have helped the increase in Adsense Earnings:

1. Change in blog layout

2. Fresh content

3. Effective use of keywords within the blog posts

Do you have tips on how to increase adsense earnings? Drop them here through the comments link and share the love :)


Anonymous said...

Hi..Your topics are really interesting and helpful. Good Post thanks for sharing.

Work from home

avril said...

Your ideas really make some sense to me and help to get some dollars for me. i have one blog about online job opportunity.
